
Friday, September 28, 2018

Convicted Child Predator and Stillwater Mortgage Broker Charged With Two Counts of Child Rape

editor's note: MarketPlace home mortgage LLC states that Micheal Bergum is not employed by them. The original article believed he was employed there because the accused website and other sources stated he was a branch manager. Sorry for the inconvenience and please accept our updated post. 

A convicted child predator named Micheal Bergum of Stillwater who was a branch manager for a local mortgage company has been charged with two counts of child rape after engaging in a reported forced sexual encounter with a fifteen year old child earlier this month. In 2007 and 2008 Bergum was charged with a total of 13 counts of providing alcohol
to minors and five different charges of criminal sexual conduct ranging from 2nd degree to 5th degree it appears from MN court data pictured below. However, par the course, Washington County prosecutors gave him ridiculous plea deals and Bergum only ended up with a conviction for two counts of providing alcohol to minors and two non-felony counts of criminal sexual conduct. The two rape victims were both teenagers but the County didn't prosecute for child victims despite one being 16 and the reported use of the date rape drug "gorilla." One of the victims said she drank it thinking it was alcohol not knowing the term "gorilla" was slang for a date rape drug. The county dropped the felony convictions in exchange for misdemeanors. According to the BCA, it appears Bergum only served 6 months in Jail and 10 years of probation. 

(If you'd like to stay informed on the latest charged and convicted sex offenders in Washington County please
Micheal Bergum
Booking photo
subscribe to get our free emails

To only the surprise of do nothing law makers who haven't passed a sex offender bill into law in two years and the Washington County Prosecutors, Mike Bergum appears to have raped a child again. In a criminal complaint released by the county, they got a report from a 15 year old child this month. She said Bergum picked her up from a coffee shop. It was found the two eventually went back to his house at 104 Lakeside Drive Stillwater, MN 55082. The two had sex and the next morning when the child and Bergum began to have sex again the victim tried to stop him. It is not known from the criminal complaint if the sexual encounters were consensual or if she was under the influence of date rape drugs or alcohol at the time (not that a child can consent to sex).  Police confirmed from video surveillance from the coffee shop he picked up the child there as him and his SUV were on camera. The victim reported in detail to police to look for her black underwear of a specific brand she forgot in his home. Police found the her underwear in the home and unique details of the bedroom she accurately described.   

According to the criminal complaint when the child tried to stop Michael Bergum he "pulled her hair and grabbed her by the neck, asking "Did you like that?" Later that morning VICTIM asked the adult male to drive her home, and he told her that he would not do so until they again had sex." A source who says they know Bergum contacted us about doing an article after they said they over heard him bragging about how he'd get out of these rape charges just like the first time (in 2007 and 2008).  He was thought to be in conversation with his attorney on the phone.  We're inclined to believe this source because they messaged us to look into the story days before we knew from the county that he was arrested and charged. 

Will Mike Bergum again get to laugh in the face of the public as if nothing happened once again? Many convicted rapists from Washington County come back to sexually assault and rape again in the County after their first conviction or even second. These are just some of the articles from the last two years:
Convicted Child Rapist in Oakdale, Wanted for Rape Again, This Time A Baby Sitter, Weak Charges 

To see dozens more examples in the last two years of insane plea deals from Washington County prosecutors and the weak MN sex offender law letting the public down see:

In Minnesota, law makers and prosecutors believe child rapists can be "rehabilitated," do not need to be monitored, and can become good members of society. The evidence is the fact no bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. Also, Only several hundred of the over 20,000 convicted rapists in Minnesota are confined in prison. Most only do a couple years and then are released. More information here:

If you hope to see any law change, continue to contact law makers, especially Senator Warren Limmer who has refused to pass the sex offender bills in his key special committee in the Senate. 

It's clear that just because a child rapist is charged or convicted, doesn't mean justice will be served after sentencing if convicted. Therefore, if the punishment for ALL criminal sexual conduct crimes is raised than weak charges and convictions will be stronger. With the raised bar there won't be a thing as an outrageous plea deal to lesser rape charges or a weak sentence.

Tell legislators to also make the sex offender list public like nearly every other State in the Country does. All but MN, DC, and Maine have public lists. Maine only has 2,700 sex offenders in their state though. Compared to over 20,000 in MN. 

Booking #: 1809440 
Bergum Michael James 
Arrest Date Time: 9/20/2018 4:30:00 PM 
Arresting Officer(s): SW22248 Julien 
48 Hour Hold: 48 hr rule applies, exp.092218 at 1630 
I: Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Victim 13-15 Actor greater than 24m older. MN 609.344.1(b), with reference to: 609.344.2(1)
II: Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Force or Coercion. MN 609.344.1(c), with reference to: 609.344.2(1)
2007 and 2008 Court Records for Bergum

*In no way do we wish harm to the convicted sex offenders outside the judgement of the law. Posting each criminal's public data anyone can get allows the public to decide from the evidence if they appreciate knowing such data. Such as what these sex offender's last known address is. No representation is made that the individuals listed here are currently on the state's offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of Washington County Watchdog assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. All data was only accurate at the time of posting per Government sources provided. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site. The information on this web site is made available solely to protect the public. Anyone who uses this information to commit a crime or to harass an offender or his or her family is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability. Message us if you can verify us of an address or change in data.  Washington County Watchdog is not responsible for the accuracy of the content shared, refer to our linked government sources.      

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Fourteen Year Old Child Raped in Forest Lake. Man Charged and Released. If Convicted, Little or No Jail Time

Austin Keacher of Forest Lake has been charged with third degree rape of a 14 year old child. The criminal complaint states back in May the victim and her friends took their bicycles to a nearby lake to go fishing. They left from the home of the accused child rapist Austin Keacher who lives in Autumn Hills
photo of Austin Keacher from
his public facebook profile
. The victim realized she forgot her phone back at the home of Keacher so the two of them went back together alone. They went into the garage and the victim had a medical condition that caused her to pass out. The mother of the victim stated in the report the condition was know
n (type of condition withheld to protect the identity of the victim). When she awoke she found Keacher touching her and grabbing her private areas. 

(If you'd like to stay informed on the latest sex offenders charged and convicted in Washington County please subscribe to get our free emails.)

Despite repeatedly telling him to stop Keacher was reported to have continued to force himself on her. The police estimated in the report he is six feet tall and weighs over 100 pounds more than the victim. The victims says in the criminal complaint he proceeded to rape the victim in the garage. When police officers spoke to him about the report Keacher admitted to having sex with the victim and that he knew days prior that she was only 14 years old. 

Austin Keacher appears to have been released from Jail and into the public on September 12th. It can take a year or longer to get a conviction. In nearly every case the accused child
booking photo of
Austin Keacher
rapists get insane plea deals because of prosecutors. Plea deal or not, the convictions are weak because of the weak MN law and sentencing guidelines. No bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. It's vital that readers contact their legislators and ask why Representative Matt Grossell is the only legislator writing bills on this and why there are not nearly enough co-signed on the bills.

If Austin Kearcher is convicted of the charged crime, assuming he doesn't get a plea deal down to even lesser charges, he will get very little time in Jail and very little time on the sex offender registry. See some of the many cases in the last couple years of those convicted of the same charges or supposedly more harsh 1st or 2nd degree rape from Washington County:

To see dozens of examples in the last two years of insane plea deals from Washington County prosecutors and the weak MN sex offender law letting the public down see:

In Minnesota, law makers and prosecutors believe child rapists can be "rehabilitated," do not need to be monitored, and can become good members of society. The evidence is the fact no bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. Also, Only several hundred of the over 20,000 convicted rapists in Minnesota are confined in prison. Most only do a couple years and then are released. More information here:

If you hope to see any law change, continue to contact law makers, especially Senator Warren Limmer who has refused to pass the sex offender bills in his key special committee in the Senate. 

It's clear that just because a child rapist is charged or convicted, doesn't mean justice will be served after sentencing if convicted. Therefore, if the punishment for ALL criminal sexual conduct crimes is raised than weak charges and convictions will be stronger. With the raised bar there won't be a thing as an outrageous plea deal to lesser rape charges or a weak sentence.

Tell legislators to also make the sex offender list public like nearly every other State in the Country does. All but MN, DC, and Maine have public lists. Maine only has 2,700 sex offenders in their state though. Compared to over 20,000 in MN. 

Booking #: 1809219 
DOB: 05/17/1998
Autumn Hills Apartments 
Arresting Officer(s): 423 
609.344.1(b) Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Victim 13-15 Actor >24m older 
Arrest Location: 708 sw 12th st forest lake 
Arrest Date Time: 5/15/2018 12:00:00 AM 
Release Date Time: 9/12/2018 3:38:22 PM  

*In no way do we wish harm to the convicted sex offenders outside the judgement of the law. Posting each criminal's public data anyone can get allows the public to decide from the evidence if they appreciate knowing such data. Such as what these sex offender's last known address is. No representation is made that the individuals listed here are currently on the state's offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of Washington County Watchdog assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. All data was only accurate at the time of posting per Government sources provided. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site. The information on this web site is made available solely to protect the public. Anyone who uses this information to commit a crime or to harass an offender or his or her family is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability. Message us if you can verify us of an address or change in data.  Washington County Watchdog is not responsible for the accuracy of the content shared, refer to our linked government sources.      

Friday, September 21, 2018

Meth, Child Rape and Prostitution Uncovered Next Door to Oakland Middle School. Charges Filed.

Washington County is plagued with case after case of child rape and grossly unjust sentences because of weak prosecutors and weak MN law (not the judge's fault). See: We have documented dozens of cases in just two years of child rapists who live in Washington County and have victims within the County. Yet no bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. The only author of tougher sex offender bills currently is Representative Matt Grossell who isn't even from Washington County. The only legislators from Washington County who co-sign some of his sex offender bills are Representative Lohmer and Representative Runbeck. So
John McCallum
please contact your legislators, it's the only hope to grow support to pass the bills and slow these crimes. 

Within a stone's throw from Oakland Middle School in Lake Elmo an apparent methamphetamine user and accused pimp of at least one 15 year old child has been uncovered (it appears). You can stand on the school property and see the accused house. The home owner, 37 year old, John Robert McCallum was identified in a criminal complaint last week stemming from a fifteen year old victim who called 911 and reported being raped by McCallum and others. 

(If you'd like to stay informed on the latest sex offenders charged and convicted in Washington County please subscribe to get our free emails.)

The police officer who arrived on the scene found the victim in a bathroom having cut herself in a suicide attempt. After paramedics arrived and bandaged the wound she told authorities she was "raped multiple times" in the home. The victim said she told John McCallum she was only 15 and he responded that "age is nothing but a number."

McCallum evaded arrest for a couple days before being apprehended in a traffic stop attempting to leave the state. The criminal complaint states he would provide drugs to the victim and in exchange he and others would have sex with the victim. On the day of the 911 call the victim stated she had sex with McCallum and later in the day another man paid him to have sex with the victim. When she said she was not comfortable having sex with more than one person McCallum reportidly responded "this is how you get into prostitution."  The police found evidence in the home consistent with the victim's report including meth, a used condom, and cell phones according to the criminal complaint.

The Washington County Prosecutor is charging McCallum with 3rd degree rape, prostitution of a 13 to 15 year old, and sex trafficking of a minor. Despite the heavy charges the County is in the practice of giving huge plea deals to child predators to avoid trial. The rapists almost always do less than five years in jail and in extremely rare cases, the state's maximum of 10 years of probation and placement on the sex offender registry. To see dozens of examples in the last two years of insane plea deals from Washington County prosecutors see:

In Minnesota, law makers and prosecutors believe child rapists can be "rehabilitated," do not need to be monitored, and can become good members of society. The evidence is the fact no bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. Also, Only several hundred of the over 20,000 convicted rapists in Minnesota are confined in prison. Most only do a couple years and then are released. More information here:

If you hope to see any law change, continue to contact law makers, especially Senator Warren Limmer who has refused to pass the sex offender bills in his key special committee in the Senate. 

It's clear that just because a child rapist is charged or convicted, doesn't mean justice will be served after sentencing if convicted. Therefore, if the punishment for ALL criminal sexual conduct crimes is raised than weak charges and convictions will be stronger. With the raised bar there won't be a thing as an outrageous plea deal to lesser rape charges or a weak sentence.

Tell legislators to also make the sex offender list public like nearly every other State in the County does. All but MN, DC, and Maine have public lists. Maine only has 2,700 sex offenders in their state though. Compared to over 20,000 in MN. 

DOB: 10/30/1980
48 Hour Hold: 1: 48 exp 9-20-18 at 0614 
1.) Engages in Sex Trafficking of Individual-Under 18 years old 609.322.1(a)(4), with reference to: 609.322.1(a)
2.) Prostitution-Engage 13 to 15 Yr Old  609.324.1(b)(1), with reference to: 609.324.1(b)
3.) Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Victim 13-15 Actor greater than 24m older 609.344.1(b), with reference to: 609.344.3

*In no way do we wish harm to the convicted sex offenders outside the judgement of the law. Posting each criminal's public data anyone can get allows the public to decide from the evidence if they appreciate knowing such data. Such as what these sex offender's last known address is. No representation is made that the individuals listed here are currently on the state's offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of Washington County Watchdog assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. All data was only accurate at the time of posting per Government sources provided. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site. The information on this web site is made available solely to protect the public. Anyone who uses this information to commit a crime or to harass an offender or his or her family is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability. Message us if you can verify us of an address or change in data.  Washington County Watchdog is not responsible for the accuracy of the content shared, refer to our linked government sources.      

Friday, September 14, 2018

Convicted Child Rapist in Oakdale, Wanted for Rape Again, This Time A Baby Sitter, Weak Charges

update: no active warrants as of 9-24-18

Gabriel Miguel Mitchell, DOB 11/24/1978, was convicted of
violently raping a "13-15" year old child back in 2001 out of Ramsey County MN. He was charged with weak third degree child rape charges and
Gabriel Mitchell
convicted. Minnesota sentencing guidelines gave him a weak 18 months in jail. He only had 7 years of weak probation. (this is MN law, not the judge's fault) 

(If you'd like to stay informed on the latest sex offenders charged and convicted in Washington County please subscribe to get our free emails.)

To only the Surprise of do nothing law makers and weak prosecutors he's been accused of rape again. The elected Washington County attorney Pete Orput has charged Gabriel Mitchell with raping another person who just months prior was considered a child, but was an 18 year old baby sitter in his home (watching kids that were not directly related to him). Again he's been charged with weak 3rd degree rape charges despite apparently holding down the victim and raping her while she screamed. Hospital examination after the accused rape confirmed extensive injury to her private areas from the rape according to the criminal complaint. Why these rapists are almost never charged with first or second degree rape is not answered by the County Attorney's office. Not that it matters, 1st degree rape carries little extra punishment In Minnesota with the weak sentencing guidelines. Even still, when offenders are charged they often get shocking plea deals to lesser charges.    

It's no surprise that child predators who rape children will eventually rape another child. It's a fact the soul-less men who rape children are mentally disturbed and there's no cure (it seems). At best, there's management of these dangerous criminals through a max of only ten years of probation. In Minnesota, law makers believe child rapists can be "rehabilitated," do not need to be monitored, and can become good members of society. The evidence is the fact no bill has passed to make sex offender law more tough in the last two years. Also, Only several hundred of the over 20,000 convicted rapists in Minnesota are confined in prison. Most only do a couple years and then are released like this convicted child rapist. More information here:
Watchdog Review of Each of the Fifty States Sex Offender Laws Finds Minnesota Ranked the Most Unsafe  

Reoffending is so rampant it's fair to say it's bound to happen again. Whether they are caught is another. Here are just some stories from only Washington County in the last two years. Read them and then contact law makers to fix this problem please:
Man Who Repeatedly Raped a Child in Oakdale, Raped another Child While on Probation and Will be Out in 2 Years 

Fugitive Child Predator Who Police Report Says Was Caught With Pants Down and About to Rape Child, Found Living at Woodbury Hotel 

Last year and this year not one sex offender bill passed. Half the bills to make stronger sex offender laws were held back in the house. Senator Warren Limmer called them "non starters" and refused to discuss them in conference committee. The rest were killed in the Senate by the lead of Senator Limmer and Julie Rosen in conference committee. All of them refused to comment.

If you hope to see any law change continue to contact law makers, especially Warren Limmer. 

It's clear that just because a child rapist is convicted, doesn't mean justice has been served. Therefore, if the punishment for ALL criminal sexual conduct crimes is raised than weak charges and convictions will be stronger. 

Tell legislators to also make the sex offender list public like nearly every other State in the County does. All but MN, DC, and Maine have public lists. Maine only has 2,700 sex offenders in their state though. Compared to over 20,000 in MN. 

For the growing list of the last know location of convicted sex offenders in Washington County: 

DATE: 9/4/2018 
DEFENDANT: Gabriel Miguel Mitchell 
DOB: 11/24/1978 
AGENCY: Oakdale Police Department 
CHARGE: I: Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Force or Coercion
Criminal history:
2001 was convicted of raping a child (Criminal Sex Conduct-3rd Degree-Victim 13-15). He only did 18 months in Jail. After just 7 years after conviction he was discharged from having monitoring and probation and two days later the Court order for no contact was canceled.  

*In no way do we wish harm to the convicted sex offenders outside the judgement of the law. Posting each criminal's public data anyone can get allows the public to decide from the evidence if they appreciate knowing such data. Such as what these sex offender's last known address is. No representation is made that the individuals listed here are currently on the state's offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of Washington County Watchdog assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. All data was only accurate at the time of posting per Government sources provided. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site. The information on this web site is made available solely to protect the public. Anyone who uses this information to commit a crime or to harass an offender or his or her family is subject to criminal prosecution and civil liability. Message us if you can verify us of an address or change in data.  Washington County Watchdog is not responsible for the accuracy of the content shared, refer to our linked government sources.    

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Child Protection League and Readers Help WCW Release Public Data on Child Predators

For nearly four years the volunteers at Washington County Watchdog have been posting the public data on charged and convicted sex offenders in Washington County. All but a few (literally) are child predators. Most of whom do little to no prison time. Unfortunately the County charges $5 per booking photo. Thankfully, we have generous readers who have chipped in and contributed over the years. We just completed our third successful fund raising campaign and would like to share the news with you as well as thank the many donors. A large donation of $100 by the Mankato based Child Protection League (CPL) helped us quickly meet our goal. In appreciation, we have their website tagged on our side

100% of the money goes to to pay the Washington County fee for the $5 per booking photo. Donations are tracked on so the public and donors know the sum of money being handled is the full sum being handed over. We subsequently release the proof of the 100% transfer of funds in articles like this as proof. We pride ourselves on being fiscally responsible by first trying to get photos of the child rapists faces from free sources, such as the 46 other states (not MN) that publicly list booking photos and crimes of their rapists. Out of state child predators flock to MN because they can live in the shadows here. 

In 2015 you gave $120 and it lasted an entire year. We made the 2016 total donation of $140 last two years. Again, thanks to the generous donations from readers and CPL we made our goal of $175. (see pictures below)  

Until Minnesota fixes it's horrifyingly weak sex offender laws, starting by publicly listing the 20,000+ released sex offenders in MN, we need to continue to raise awareness this way in hopes legislators will change our weak laws. 
Watchdog Review of Each of the Fifty States Sex Offender Laws Finds Minnesota Ranked the Most Unsafe 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding that this is extremely rare we ask for help.

Washington County Watchdog is not a PAC, political organization, or a business. We're all volunteer and don't make a penny with the site or activities. We don't endorse any candidates or political parties.

See  for more of our work to keep you informed on dangerous child predators living in our community. Please contact our local legislators to get them to author and co-sponsor sex offender bills. Over the last few years only Representative Matt Grossell has authored bills to make sex offender laws truly better.

If you'd like to stay informed on the latest sex offenders charged and convicted in Washington County please subscribe to get our free emails.