What's not empty is Dan Starry's campaign fund. With over $10,000 he's got the grass roots campaign of Paul Hoppe beat five to one. Hoppe is the director of the city of Wyoming's Police Department and also running for Washington County sheriff. More about him here:
Experience Counts, Paul Hoppe Running for Washington County Sheriff Gives Clear Answers on Transparency, Crime Mapping, Sex Offenders, Felon Voting, and More.
Experience Counts, Paul Hoppe Running for Washington County Sheriff Gives Clear Answers on Transparency, Crime Mapping, Sex Offenders, Felon Voting, and More.
Many questioned how such an uninspiring campaign could have all the campaign money and yard signs. We did some digging into the campaign finance data from the county:
So that's 87% of his known donors are special interest! They've given $8,543. The 6 donors without a known interest in his campaign have given $905. There's $865 from 18 anonymous donors (under the $100 donation to know who they are)... so we'll not factor that in the $10,313 he's raised so far. So known donors total $9,448.
Of Starry's $9,448 in campaign donations, 90% of it was from his special interest friends. (including himself)
When you vote for Washington County Sheriff think about where 90% of Starry's support comes from, big labor, politicians, and from people working in and around his position as the temporarily appointed Sheriff.
Opposite to the questionable donations of Starry is the Paul Hoppe campaign who told us in an interview that he's not seeking special interest endorsements. Expanding on the conflict that arises when you take campaign donations from special interest stating "I believe it’s our responsibility as leaders to insulate our employees from the politics of governing so the deputies can focus on serving the community rather than serving the interest of an individual."
All his division commanders gave:
Records / Communications - Commander Sara Halverson gave $250
Patrol Division - Commander Doug Anschutz gave $250
Investigative Division - Commander Andrew Ellickson gave $250
Jail Division - Commander Roger Heinen gave $250
Courts / Special Projects - Commander Cheri Dexter gave $250
Patrol Division - Commander Doug Anschutz gave $250
Investigative Division - Commander Andrew Ellickson gave $250
Jail Division - Commander Roger Heinen gave $250
Courts / Special Projects - Commander Cheri Dexter gave $250
Bunch of local elected officials and relatives of them:
County attorney Pete Orput gave $100
County Commissioner Fran Miron $100
Lake Elmo City Councilor Justin Bloyer $200
Senator Karin Housley $100
Husband of representative Kathy Lohmer, Greg $100
Meredith Lake retired WC Attorney – and wife of deceased WC Deputy Bill Lake gave $100
Mary L Waldkirch Tilley, retired Washington County Attorney gave $100
Lots of Government employees and relatives:
Jim Shoup, an IRS investigator $100
Jim Shoup, an IRS investigator $100
Russ Blanck, centennial lakes police department $100
Fred Fink, Washington County prosecutor $100
Lawrence Flaherty, retired WC Deputy Law enforcement $250
Kevin Mueller, WC prosecutor $250
Richard Mueller $250
Bruce Peterson, Forest Lake Police Department $100
John Kirkwood, was Ramsey county sheriff's department $100
Randy McAlister, cottage grove police seargent $100
Joal McAlister $100
Dick Mah, "US Government" $100
Teri Grimm "US Government" $100
Tons of Washington County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) and their relatives:
David Heuer, sergeant, $200
Brian Mueller, Interim Chief Deputy and special ops trainer $250
Lori Mueller $250
Rebecca Bromme, sergeant, $100
Pat Olson, Retired WC commander $100
Jay Thompson WCSO, $100
Questionable Donors:
Jeff Gort $100 (one of the Cottage Grove Cops who shot a suspect who later won a lawsuit)
Gary Swanson, retired WCSO, $100
James Fure, retired WCSO, $100 (Both Swanson and Fure were in an investigation where both hosted a wild stag party with two other sheriff's where a fellow sheriff was held down by 6 men and forced to have a stripper dance on him while on a stage. They were not convicted due to lack of proof they were involved with the crime.)
special interest:
Patrick Erickson, Law enforcement tactical training association and retired WC deputy $100
Patrick Erickson, Law enforcement tactical training association and retired WC deputy $100
Warren Ackerson, for Glock hand guns $100
Joe Isaacs, permit to carry activist $100
Shelly Richard, Stillwater Med Group, $250
Members of his campaign and relatives:
Glen Bona filed his campaign committee with a starting balance of $840
Glen Bona filed his campaign committee with a starting balance of $840
Brian Bona $250
Roger Bona $250
Dan Starry $1,653.91
Not special interest donors?:
Ed Eccleston gave $5
Ed Eccleston gave $5
Michael Jordan of Stillwater gave $250
Deborah Jordan of Stillwater gave $250
Pat Herold of Stillwater gave $100
Eric Heil, of Rogers gave $150
Lori Heil, of Rogers gave $150