
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Days and Times Washington County Legislators Plan to Attend 2017 County Fair

A few days ago we called and emailed the Washington County state legislators and their legislative assistants asking them if they'd like us to post the days and times they plan to be at the 2017 Washington County Fair August 2nd through the 6th. Not all of them have responded yet. 

The legislators will likely be by their party's booth. Senator Housley has her own booth that is on Commerce ave between the exhibit A and B buildings. See Map. If we had one bi-partisan issue to bring up with legislators it'd be to advocate for Sex offender law changes. It's a serious problem in our County and across the State. See our simple recommendations for Bill ideas based on our neighboring states:
Rampant Sex Crime on Children. In Just 2 years, 10 Cases From County Alone, 8 Simple Laws to Update

Senator Karin Housley (39, R) - "Every day, call Legislative aid to arrange a time to meet" (Rebecca Scepaniak (651) 296-1780)

Representative Kathy Lohmer (39B, R)- "Wednesday afternoon til 5:00  Thursday most of the day Friday 2-7.   Saturday afternoon 2-4.   Not on Sunday."

Representative Bob Dettmer (39A, R)- "It looks like the afternoons on ThursdaySaturday and Sunday."

Representative JoAnn Ward (53A, DFL)- "Thursday evening, approximately 5:30 to closing.  Will try for Friday night, but can't promise."

Representative Linda Runbeck (38A, R) - I'll be at the [GOP] booth on Saturday from 1-3pm. 

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain (38, R) - Not able to attend this year

Senator Susan Kent (53, DFL)  -  Not able to attend this year

Senator Dan Schoen (54, DFL) - "appreciate the offer. I don't have set time since I'm working at the police department. If I am able to stop up I'll post on social media that I am going and where I'll be"

Senator Charles W. Wiger (43, DFL) - Wednesday, 8/2--1 to 5 pm

Representative Matt Dean (38B, R)hasn't responded

Representative Kelly Fenton (53B, R)- "I'm there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Thursday and Friday in the early evening. Saturday at noon."

Representative Keith Franke (54A, R) - hasn't responded

Representative Tony Jurgens (54B, R)- hasn't responded