
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

License Plates for Pedophiles gains support


Bill Parker from

wrote Legislators last month with much enthusiastic support. Washington County Watchdog 100% supports this bill idea. Representative Kathy Lohmer and others are reviewing the bill idea. This is from what he wrote:

We are currently encouraging our Legislature here in Minnesota and encouraging all Minnesotans to contact their respective Legislators and insist that Pedophiles classified as Level 3 Predatory Offenders (Considered most likely to reoffend) are required to display a "Pedophile Plate" on their vehicles just as our repeat DUI offenders must display that "Whiskey Plate" on their vehicles. Per the Department of Justice website "child molesters were more likely than any other type of offender to be arrested for a sex a crime against a child. Many other reoffend by failing to register their address with Law Enforcement, possession of child pornography, invasion of privacy, stalking, trespassing, burglary or other precursor crimes as they hunt for children not in their notification area.
Here is an example where Pedophile Plates would have made a difference.
Tried lure victims into a car (female, age 6) & offered money to victims (age 11 and 13) for sex acts. & Indecent Exposure. The State of Minnesota vs Aaron Carl Gilbertson: Case No. 62-K7-98-002147 & CASE No. 62-K9-97-600908
Nine out of ten Minnesotans we speak with are in favor of such legislation. The very few opponents to such legislation usually object because of one of the following reasons;
(1) Invasion of Privacy: This was overcome and a precedent set by the "Whiskey Plate" legislation which addressed the balance of privacy of repeat D.U.I. offenders against public awareness and public safety.
(2) Vigilantism: Unlike other sex offender license plate legislation that has been proposed here in Minnesota, Alabama, Ohio and Wisconsin it would only apply to Level 3 offenders (classified as most likely to reoffend by the Department of Corrections and ALREADY SUBJECT TO PUBLIC NOTIFICATION) that have been convicted of or civilly committed for a sex crime against a minor. Also full enforcement of existing hate crime laws will deter people from vigilantism. 
(3) Cost to taxpayers: The cost would be carried by the offender also a donation to a non-profit victims fund. Similar to specialty plates in Minnesota that require a minimum $30 donation to the DNR, Veterans groups, Etc..
(4) Statistics reflect that most children are molested by a friend or family member: While it is true that most pedophiles start with children they know. However this changes after they are caught a time or two. They quickly realize that the grooming and threats wear off as the children age and they will continue to get caught unless they change their tactics. Once they change their tactics and start victimizing children not in their notification area and unknown to them they are rarely if ever caught. This skews the statistics because they are based only on sexual predators that are caught and convicted.
Minnesota ranks as one of the worst states in dealing with sexploitation of our children, this must change. We feel that this legislation would make Minnesota a safer place to raise our children.
Will you fight for our children and sponsor this Bill idea?

Bill Parker