
Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Uncounted Ballots that could be Accepted to Save $96 Million Tax Dollars

12-3-15 update: $5,000 funding goal met; however more support needed for SWC4P

How you can help:
Case filed against ISD833 to get all the Votes Counted

Here are the 19 challenged votes that are worth $96 million dollars on the November 3rd 2015 South Washington County School District 833 bond vote that initially had passed by just 19 votes with question 2.... after the Friday recount it only passed by 18 votes. 

After the following Wednesday Canvassing board review all but 5 ballots were accepted as no votes (Ballot #2,#9,#11,#16, and #18).

This article is a raw reference for the public to see each ballot close up. 

Update 11/29: Ballot #2,#9,#11,#16, and #18 are going to court, as of today they are just $700 short of raising the needed $5,000 to pay for the Court bond (money down on a court case). The money is due by the end of today (11/30) according to sources. (12-2: goal was met. please continue to donate see 12-3 update above for details)

Donate Here:

These articles by Alpha News MN do a great job laying out all the details of the evolving story:

Alpha News MN's release of the challenge letter from Attorney Erick Kaardal to District 833 Canvasing Board:

Withdrawn by the attorney for the challengers of the election results

Ballot #2 rejected by Canvassing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

Ballot #9 rejected by canvassing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

Ballot #11 rejected by canvassing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

Ballot #16 rejected by canvassing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board

Ballot #18 rejected by canvassing board

accepted no vote on question 2 by canvasing board
Here's the folder to the 19 challenged votes that are worth $96 million dollars: